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You can submit an application for each convention on their website!

Requirements and Benefits


Recruits are unproven people we haven't worked at AEI cons frequently. If we don't know you yet, you will be a Recruit for at least 2 con years or 2 consecutive cons while you prove your reliability. (e.g. DenFur 2024 & DenFur 2025; or DenFur 2024 & PDFC 2024)

Recruits will receive:


Staff are volunteers that are in good standing that has met these requirements (but not limited to) a previous volunteer that has worked at least two years, met the minimum hours for each of the two years, is considered rehireable and is in good standing with the con (e.g. no outstanding money owed to the con); and having no disciplinary action within those two years that has not been resolved.

Staff will receive:


Thank you for your interest in applying to help our con. We are super excited to have you join our team. Below please find a description of the different departments and sub-departments that we use for our conventions. These are pretty brief descriptions, and not all-encompassing, there will be a leadership structure that you will be aware of so if you have any questions you’ll be able to easily follow the chain of command.


Ops is a large department that does a lot of its work at the convention. There are several sub-departments that fall under the Operations Umbrella.



There are many different sub-departments under the creativity umbrella. Almost all of the sub-departments revolve around art in some form.



IT is responsible for handling all technology to keep the convention running. IT works with alot of other departments and has a need to be on call when an issue arises.


This department helps bring the community and the convention together.


The hospitality team is tasked with overseeing facilities operations in the con spaces, helping with menus for the event, working directly with the hotel liaisons, helping maintain clean and safe con spaces, and assisting with the contractual needs with the hotel and the con.


Volunteer Terms of Service

  1. Scope
    This agreement encompasses a voluntary association between the staff member and Anthro Events Inc (AEI), collectively referred to as "the Convention."
  2. Duration
    This agreement shall remain in effect from the time the parties enter into the agreement through the conclusion of the Convention. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a continuing relationship between the parties after the termination of the agreement. Either party may voluntarily terminate this agreement at any time by providing written notice to the other party of its wish to terminate the agreement.
  3. Code of Conduct
    By agreeing to participate as a staff member at the Convention, I agree to abide by and act in accordance with the Code of Conduct as provided by the Convention. I agree that any violation of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against me, including but not limited to verbal and written warnings, suspension, or dismissal from my position as a staff member. I agree that any disciplinary action taken by the Convention shall be final.
  4. Rights to Works Created
    I agree that any work created by me while working as a staff member shall become the intellectual property of the Convention, subject to state and federal law concerning intellectual property. Such work may include but is not limited to promotional material created for the benefit of the Convention, video or audio recordings taken on behalf of the Convention, and other works made on behalf of or for the benefit of the Convention and any of its attendees or patrons. I further consent to appear in any photographic or video-graphic promotional materials in which I may appear.
  5. "Hate Group" Membership
    I affirm that I am not a member, officer, supporter, volunteer, or patron of any anti-government, anti-police, hate speech, white-supremacist/white nationalist, neo-Nazi, or other group espousing discriminatory beliefs or views against any race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or political ideology.
    I agree that the Convention reserves the right to define what groups constitute hate groups and that such definitions may change without prior notice. The Convention initially defines the following groups as examples of "hate groups" it does not allow but reserves the right to amend this list at will: Furry Raiders, AltFurry, Ku Klux Klan, "Black Bloc" (group or tactic), and any group identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Department of Justice as a hate group. This also includes anyone who promotes violence within their political group, regardless of political affiliation. I agree that membership or support of a hate group constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct, which may result in disciplinary action as outlined in paragraph II of this agreement.
  6. Arbitration
    The parties agree that any matters relating to volunteering at the Convention shall be resolved, in the event necessary, by binding arbitration and a mutually agreed-upon arbitrator. The parties hereby consent to binding arbitration as to any disputes within the scope of this agreement.
  7. Affirmation
    By signing this addendum, I agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement for the duration of the Convention, including the planning and execution of the event.
  8. Confidential Information
    By signing this, I agree that any data or information that is proprietary to AEI and not generally known to the public, whether in tangible or intangible form, in whatever medium provided, whether unmodified or modified by the Staff member, whenever and however disclosed, including and not limited to; (i) any marketing strategies, plans, financial information, projections, operations, sales estimates, business plans or future business activities of such party. (ii) plans for products or services, customer information, and contact list (iii) Any computer software, source code, flow charts, databases (iv) any other information that should be reasonably recognized as confidential information of AEI. In Short—Do not share anything related to the convention that is discussed on discord, telegram, or in person, unless it is on the website or on the convention's social media.
  9. COVID-19 Policies
    By agreeing to participate as a staff member at the Convention, I agree to abide by and act in accordance with the COVID-19 Restrictions and Operations as provided by the Convention. I agree that any violation of the COVID-19 Restrictions and Operations may result in disciplinary action against me including but not limited to verbal and/or written warnings, suspension, or dismissal from my position as a staff member. I agree that any disciplinary action taken by the Convention shall be final.